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The Beautiful Pink Beach in Bima Regency

visit-ntb-Pink Beach is a new destination which must be visited by travellers both local tourist and international tourist. This beach is located in Bima regency. It is a small regency in the east of sumbawa island and nearby flores island in the east nusa tenggara province. Precisely, pink beach is located in administive area of Lambu district. Relevant to its name, the colour of sand in this beach is pink. This beach is still preserved its cleanliness and natural. Moreover, if you have spare time to travel in this tourism place, you will get the beautiful scenery from the blue sea and several little island in the around of coast. You also can sunbathe in the sand because the temperature in this place is really hot, accounted for 20 until 31 degree of celcius. Hence, it will be suitable for sunbathing. The other activities which can done in pink beach are swimming, snorkling, and diving. But, all of the equipments must be brought by visitors.

Then, how to go there ?
To reach to this place, travellers need more effort including cost as well as stamina. For visitors from the other regencies or countries, You must land in the Muhammad Salahuddin Airport in Bima Regency. Then, you can rent a car from several car hires in the outside of airport around 300 thousand rupiah for going to Sape Port.
However, if you want to save your money, you can choose the public transport. You wait the Bus in the main road in front of airport. You may wait approximately 15 minutes. You just pay 5 thousand rupiah to arrive in the Dara Bus Station in Bima City. After that, you use taxibike and pay 10 thousand rupiah to travel to Kumbe Bus Station in the east of Bima City. Then, you go to sape discrict and sape port by Bus. You will need around 1 hours and pay 20 thousand rupiah. In the sape port, you must rent boat from fisherman there and pay around a million rupiah. In the following 2 hours, you will arrive in the Wonderful Pink Beach.
Are you ready to visit pink beach in Bima Regency ? Hope you get the best journey. Do not forget to make the beach clean and bring back your trash.
source of image: first image second image
